Monday, December 22, 2008

My obsessions and other random things

A list of my freakish obsessions games (yes, i know im a freak but you know what? I REALLY DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!)
9.falling (this is an inforced obsessions, Ido not like falling i just do it a lot)
8. the super awsome pink pony club (inside joke)
7. Meg cabot books (they are some of the best books in the world)
6. broadway style plays (they rock and sould be highier up on this list [or lower im not sure])
5. texting (it is the coolest form of communication, besides IM which i cant do [sad day])
4. Twilight (books and movie.)
2. waterfalls and forests (I only like them because 1) they're pretty 2) there are very few around here)
1. any disney animated movie (THEY FREAKING ROCK YOUR SOX OFF AND I DON"T CARE WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Randomness thoughts

1. What is with me and not wrighting a short artical? I think i have a problem.

2. my head still hurts from my graceful backwards swan dive off the stairs friday.

3.My grandparents' 50th anniversery is tomorrow.

4. MY TWO YEAR OLD COUSIN IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5. I love diseny movies (Ijust watched cars)

6. I spent 3 hours at the mall today with my non-sister shopping for my other non-sister

7. I think fridays are my unlucky days. Not just friday that fall on the 13th either. One of my friends died on a friday, my dog died on a friday, i got a concussion on a friday, so you can see my reasoning.

8. I CAN'T WAIT TILL CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9.CHEESEY CHRISTMAS MOVES ROCK HARD MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10. I love all you guys peace out.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I'd really want to go strangle these people whos names are not metioned because even though i dont like them, I don't want stalkers in my town.

Yes i know that is an extremley long title and all but i really don't care so nither should u. Any way there are quite alot of people i don't like and the moment.
1. My science partner. She hardly ever at school (the longest time she's been to school in a row is 4 days, no joke) then when she comes back from being "sick" she expects me to give her all answers to the homework from the night before. Even whe she is at school she dosen't do any thing. So anyway we are starting a new project in science which will be ouir mid-trem grade. We have the choice of working alone so i told SP that i would like to work alone on this project. She started going all "why won't you work with me" and it totally reminded me of the dad in My big fat greek Wedding when he says "why do you want to leave me?". So i reminded her of the last project we did together and how she was supposed to do ONE VERY SIMPLE THING and she didn't do it and how i couldn't trust her enough to work with her. so since then she has been glaring at me.
2. My english partner cheated off me today. AAAAARRRRGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!! I already hate that _______ (insert your own mean word that your mother shouldn't approve of here) because she thinks she the queen of the world and all that crap. She missed the first half of class because she was in court for either getting drunk or high at a party. I know this because one of her friends who sits behind me in english told his friend that 'she got all 'wooh' at a party" so im not sure if that means drunk or high, but whatever, I still hate her.
3. Mood-swing-drama-queen-wannabe the lair (becca) is being just that. She keeps making up these boyfriends and she keeps saying stuff like 'im going to get highlights' or 'Im going to ______ (insert your own far away place here) next week" then coming in the next week and saying her mom canceled the trip. IT MAKES ME SO MAD!!!!! She also has these mood swings. Like in drama today she was laughing hard enough to cause a mini earthquake then crying the next. SHE WENT THROUGH THAT CYCLE 9 TIMES IN LESS THEN 7 MINUTES!!! she is so ovweer dramatic.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Here is a widely known fact SOME PEOPLE ARE COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY STUPID!!!!!!! Most teenage boys fall under this fact. Let me just give you some examples.

1. On the last day of school last year, I was walking down the main hallway when someone (a teenage boy to be exact) threw a stuffed animal at my head. You would think that wouldn't hurt, but it did. So i picked up the stuffed animal and threw it into the girls' bathroom trash can.

2. I walking down the main hallway (once again) and some dude put his friend into a head lock and then rammed his head into my arm. I STILL HAVE A BRUISE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know why people think it's okay to use other people for their personal entertainment IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!!!!!!!I think they're just plain @##$%&^!!!!!!!!!!!

3. I was in third grade when this happened. Me and Lizzie where riding our bikes home from Pinkfrog's house. So we were minding our own business when a group of about 7 boys (of the immature teenage variety) started yelling at us. Then one of the dudes got on a bike and and put on a mask and chased us. I jumped off my bike and graped a rock of someones lawn and threw it at him. It hit his stomach and he fell off his bike. When i got on my bike again, We rode all the way up our three steep hills. I yelled at the the boys who were still following us that my mom was a cop (that was a lie) and that my dad was one of the top lawyers in the state (which is still true) and that we would sue them for harassment of minors (I knew some pretty big words when i was in third grade.) That sent those a**holes running. I don't know who could be heartless enough to torture 3RD GRADERS like that. if i saw anyone do that to a kid, I would shoot them. (in the leg, not the head. I am not a murderer) When we got home, we told our mom what had happened, she called the cops and our neighbor Paul (who is about the scariest looking dude in the entire west half of the city). But we never did see those a-words again so we couldn't sue them for all their worth (which isn't much by the way). It doesn't matter anyway because those boys are all most likely proudly serving our great country at McDonald's everywhere.

4. The most recent occurring of teenage boy stupidity. One dude from our school went into the main hall fish tank, killed all the fish (all the fish were expensive) and then broke the tank. The water from the tank spill under the electrical room door and into the generator. Half the lights in the school went out. Okay, so they haven't found out who did it so it isn't certain a teenage boy did it but teachers and staff wouldn't do it. I will bet 4 dollars (it's all i have at the moment) that it was boy between the ages of 12-16 who did it. I know there only fish but it just one step closer to terrorism. Just think about it. Killing innocent being for the fun of it. WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO BE SO EVIL??!??!??!?! I WANT TO SLICE THEIR HEADS RIGHT OFF THEIR NECKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bad weekend

So i went to this Dare 2 share conference in Big-City-Close-by. D2S (Dare 2 share) is this uber cool teen conference that travels around the U.S. and Canada that helps teens share their faith with their friends and strangers. The people who were talking were absolutely awesome and hilarious, but the rest of the deal was almost not worth it. So lets start at the beginning.
Me, Lizzie and our friend, Lindi, got out school early to go our church, because that's where we were meeting to get on the bus and drive 2 hours to D2S. Not only was our youth group going, but five other groups were coming too. So our youth leader asked for the number of kids they all would be bringing, so that she could get transportation. Well, either the youth leaders didn't care to count properly or the kids invited some people and didn't tell anyone, we ended up 9 people with out seats. And the bottom of the bus was completely full, so we called the other bus that had our friend church in it, to see if they could meet us some where so that the extra kids would have some where to sit. They had 5 extra seats. So my older sister called my dad to bring our Army Tank (our super old suburban) so that she, two adults and some other kids could ride in it. Me, Lizzie and Lindi didn't want to sit with people we didn't know, so we set some sleeping bags on the floor in front of the seat and some one would lay on them. It worked out fine, but our two youth leaders had to stand. We were supposed to leave at 3:00, but we left a 5.
This has nothing to do with this but you'll need to know this later but there was this one girl from our church who brought a stuffed lion. We were teasing her (in good nature) about, so she goes on about how important the lion was to her emotionally and that if anyone took it she would cry. older sister said she would of brought her pooky bear, but it wouldn't fit in her bag.
Anyway so we are o the bus, right? the kids who were siting around us were being big A words. I wanted to beat everyone of them into a bloody pulp, except for 2 people. I would of too, but i was afraid that i would get herpes. They were from the other side of town (the south side), and (not to be judgement of where people live) they were acting like stereotyping rich kids would expect them to act. They were even planning where they were going to make there drug exchange.

So after the LONG bus ride, we went to the first section of the d2s thing. Then we went back on to the bus and headed to the church we were going to sleep in. the three of us slept in room with eight other girls. It was torture. We got to the church about midnight. The leaders gave us a snack and we were then supposed to go to bed. I was uber tired and I knew we had to wake up at 6:00am the next day so i told them in a nice way (because although i felt like yelling at them in a not so nice way.)to be quite and go to sleep so that i didn't kill them in the morning, because I'm very concerned about people's well being. But Noooo, they had to play their guitar and they had to sing and they had to go around yelling. So it wasn't till 2 that I got any sleep.
The next day, after all our d2s stuff, we were supposed to go collect cans for the _____ rescue mission. So d2s gave us a neighborhood to go door to door asking for canned food. So in our first section, we went to 27 houses and three answered and we got 5 cans. We asked one of the donors if we could pray for her, she gave us the "I-hate-Christians" look and told us she got it covered and slammed the door in our face. I can't stand how some one could hate us so much with out ever knowing me. It almost made me cry. We were doing a good thing for the city and if we were non-belivers, she would have never been so rude. I absolutely hate people like that.
We did our next set of house and they were a lot nicer. Every door we came to we got food and lots of it. When we asked if we could pray for them, the people were all like "of course you can." we filled 9 bags there. Then we went to dinner and then we went back to the last bit of d2s.

On the way back, they kids aroung us wee more annoying then ever. I was half asleep, so I don't know what the previous conversation was, but one the kids said to my sister's face" You're not pretty." I was about to jump up and start yelling at them because the whole D2S was about was to ignor satians lies and be supportive of other people, and there he is doing that to my sister. I would of punched him, but sleep over took me right then. I'm still overly mad! Even the little of the conversation I can rember, lizzie said nothing mean to any of them, Then one of the kids took Ari's lion and started to throw it across the bus and calling her a little whiner ______ (insert A word here) and wouldn't give it back until our youth leader took the lion and told him that if did anything like that again he would have to get off the bus no matter where they were, because this wasn't the first time he didsome thing like that. THIS WAS A CHURCH THING FOR CRYING OOT LOUD!!! CAN'T PEOPLE ACT LIKE DECENT HUMAN BENGS FOR A WEEKEND???!!!!!!!?!??!?!?! I MAKES ME SO MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any ways, we got to our church and we went home and sleept.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Braces (yuck)

So I just got braces today at like 12:00 and by the time i got home at about 2:30, I already broke a bracket. Only me, Klutz Queen of the world, can do that. I feel very special right now (NO SPECIAL ED JOKES!!!!!) but for the rest of the week, I will be living of tomato soup because my mouth already hurts. I look really bad in braces. I'm sad. Really sad. Really, really sad....... (sniffle sniffle, tear, tear)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Post 21 (I think)

More random stuff, because I love random stuff.

NEW DRINKING GAME!!!!!!!!! When ever any one says (or calls me) "hole in the mountain" (Mr. science) "No one cares" (Mr.history {sign language or other}) or "are you guys twins?" Me and Lizzie are going to pretend we're drinking. Not actually, because we are under age goodie two shoes so we'll act it or drink water. I think it is so much fun! But I'm also i spaz.

My great-grandfather Knew WILLIAM WRIGHT!!!!!!! My grandpa told me that last night!For those of you are a little slow in history (cough, cough,Toby) The wright brothers had the first successful flight that lasted 90 seconds. I SHOULD BE IN THE STARS HOLLOW MUSEUM!!!!! (Gilmore girl thing) . Since I'm a history freak, I am uber excited.

I also said I was going to post rules on my blog. So here they are.

1. No being eigth-grade-boy stupid. If you were in my drama class, you would understand.
2. No insluting the author (me) unless in good nature. Mercedes has an issue with this. hitting the author while reading this blog. Lizzie has a HUGE issue with this one.

That's all for now. Love u all!!!!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008


I am winning the blogging race! I may not be too good at running, or basket ball or soccer or.... you know, if I keep listing everything I 'm not good at then we will be so off topic. so anyway, no matter how much I suck at other things, I'm like an Olympic blogger. I'm almost hit 20 posts in two months! YAY!!!! so you all can go stuff your heads in your hands and cry like the losers you are. WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! oooooo that was like really mean. Sorry, competition brings out my ugly side. :)

Moving on. So my math teacher was telling us a story of when she took her 3year old son to Home Depot one day. So anyway they were walking around the store when a little person (dwarf) walks in. Mrs. Math knew that her son would say some thing about her, so she was trying to get him away from there. But it was too late. The son yells "look Mommy! It's an ompalompa" I just thought it was so cute.

I guess Abby Charr wants to be Friends or something. Friday I wore french braid pigtails to school (I wanted to match Toby) and she comes up to me during gym and is all like "nice pigtails Aubree they're really nice." and like four people have asked if I liked Abby Charr. So I guess she sent out spies or something.And when I said no, they asked why, so I told them. One girl had the nerve to say that she was doing a good thing by kicking me off the table. Um, how can publicly insulting people by doing something like that be a good thing. My friend also told me that Abby only did that because she felt sorry for me. If you feel sorry for someone you do not A) kick them off the table B) spred rumors about them, (Just a pointer for you.) and she tried to convince me that Abby liked me. Do you remember what happened with the soft ball teams during gym? Yeah, if you like someone you don't do that kind of thing. I don't know who this girl thinks she is, because in my eyes she a little pin-headed brat who's small head should go stay in a toilet

Friday, October 24, 2008



I love Halloween! My dad hates it because he says it's a made up holiday, but I don't really care about his opinion on such topics because he also doesn't read fiction books. All he reads are war stories and political crap. Anyway, I love Halloween. If you haven't already figured it out, I'm on a sugar buzz at the moment and the room is spinning, that's why I'm more off topic than usual. But anyway, Tonight is our school dance. School dances are usually a 7th grader thing, but I haven't been to a dance before, so I'm going tonight. EEEEEEE!!!!! (oh wait I already did that) . Since me and Lizzie are getting braces in a few weeks, my mom bought us candy that we won't be able to eat in a few weeks. So I had so much sugar in the last hour that it isn't even funny. I'm like vibrating. I think I beat my words per minute typing score. Plus my unofficial ADD is kicking in full blast. (ooo shiny object) Those of you who know me know how i play with the hair ties that I wear on my wrist, The ones that drive Mrs. Choir teacher crazy, yeah well I can stop messing with them. OH WAIT!!!! We were talking about Halloween, right? Okay back to topic. I love looking weird(NO SMART ALEC COMMENTS ABOUT MY FACE, YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS BECAUSE IT"S PRETTIER THAN YOURS!!!!!!!) and candy and walking around (I can't stay seated for very long) Halloween is perfect for me. It makes everyone around me scared and annoyed, because i start moving at ME HYPER SPEED and since I'm 5'10" I look like a mountain on crack. But I still love to do Halloween. OH I was reading Dear Abby the other day and it was about how people didn't like how adults and teens go trick or treating. I was all PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!!!!!!! If I have to take my little sisters and walk them around in the FREAKING COLD AND SNOW (not that I mind if I get a costume) AND NOT GET CANDY I WILL BE PISSED!!!!!! Halloween was made for everyone to get free candy. If your going to be a butt hole about it, go stick your heads where It belongs, IN THE TOILET!!!!!! ooooh that was kinda of harsh.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Random stuff

Okay here is a bunch of really random stuff.

So there is this girl in my gym class, she is lots of fun and stuff and we also joke that she huffs pixie-sticks (long story). But anyway she is always singing this weird song called the no-no square. It go like this: "Stop! don't touch me there. This is my no-no square.(this is where she makes a square from the base of her neck to mid-thigh) (I forgot the words to this part of the song) No means No!" Then all of the people in our gym class will clap and say 'great abstinence, Kati' We have a lot of fun in gym when we don't have to run.

So me and Lizzie's youth group went to the corn maze on Saturday. One of our friends from church who we have known literally all our lives, went too. She knew that two of her friends wanted to go, so she invited them so they could hang out and she could hang out with us. So she told our youth leader that they were coming too on Sunday before so that she (our youth leader) could arrange seating. We were low on transportation and she needed to know who was coming before hand. So anyway we arrive at the church and we found our friend standing with three girls. I knew that she had invited two of them, but I knew that the other girl was one of our friend's least favorite people in the world and that she didn't even go to our church. Our friend pulled us aside and told us that one of the people she invited had invited the other girl without telling anyone, but she wasn't sure which of the invited girls invited the un-invited girl. So anyway, everyone got there okay because there were two seats left. So we drove down to the corn maze which was about 45 minutes away. I don't know if you know this, but I have a touch of unofficial case of ADD. So 45 minutes in a car is long for me. Lizzie was sitting shotgun, I was sitting behind the driver, our friend was sitting across from me, and the three other girls were sitting in the back row. They kept poking us and taking my hat and other annoying things the whole way down. I had to resist the urge to turn around and call them a bad word. Anyway we got to the corn maze, the three girls wanted to race in the maze.We said that it would be funner to do the maze last when it's dark and creepy. but they were already heading into the harder maze. So we took the easy maze, thus (he he cool word) we ended far sooner then they did. So after waiting ten minutes we called them and the said the just did the half a way question. And because we did not want to wait another 30 minutes for them, we went to do other stuff. We met up with them again when they ended the maze and went to have dinner, which was hot dogs roasted over a fire. I took us much longer to roast our, so they left. We didn't mind, we just went and did the long maze because it was dark and creepy. Then we did all the other stuff we wanted to do. and when it was time for us to go, we climbed into the car. The other three said we were ditchers, but soon forgot about it and started poking me and taking our stuff. (ooh my favorite song is on. This is the anthem, throw your hands up. Yell if your feel me, sing if your with me You, don't wanna be you. sorry I'm a spaz.) So anyway, We are all very pissed with them. Just a tip, don't EVER bring an un-invited guest to a party that is hosted by Miss Manners, she'll faint. It is very un polite to bring someone to a party or an event who was not invited. If any of you do that to me I will kick you out of my house. I can't stand it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I already know....

I am quite aware that i am a spaz and that i like disney movies to much ( although in my opinion you can never see a disney classic to many times). Also realize that i tend to giggle and do other odd stuff at random times. Thus proving that i am sa spaz and that fact is not going to change anytime soon. So deal with my spaz-y-ness. By the way i think some of all of you are spazy too.(cough cough Pinkfrog, lizzie.........okay all of you people.) But i love all you so it's okay. We can all be serious spazs together. YAY!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008


I just found out that if you hold down the wheel-y thingy then move it around, it glides around the screen. hehweheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheeheehehehehehehehehehehe hehehhehhehehhe ehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehhe ehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehhehhehhhehhehhehhehehehehheeheehehhe.
Sorry I'm a spaz

Okay anyway, BFF buddy Rachel (now pinkfrog) got a blog. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, go check it out on

By the way, GILMORE GIRLS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (If you never seen that show i pity you. [and if you have seen it and you didn't like it, i will tape you to a chair and make you like it{unless your a guy, cause guys don't like that sort of thing}])

Have any of you seen Miss Congeniality? It is like one of the best movies I have ever seen. I think I'll do a reviwe on it.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Yo Peeps

A Few Notes for my other bloggers

1. WHY DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE ME???!??!?!?!?!?!?!(she said with a Big Fat Greek wedding accent.) If your all going to leave you should tell me. I love you guys but if we're not going to do this any more, I not going to wast my time. (but i do like blogging, i think it's fun). I know that we all have lots of homework, because all of the teachers (or at least most of ) are slave drivers. I had 20 pages of homework a few nights ago, no joke (4 math, 11 science[it was a packet], 3 theory sheets from choir, 1 in history, 1 in English). But doing this once a week would be cool little hobby.

2. Have you realised how much school sucks at the moment? I know that little kids in Africa would love to learn to read and stuff but when will we ever need use pre-algebra. If you can use a calculator your set.

3. Don't do drama ever. Don't get me wrong, I love to act. Me and my sisters put on plays all the time. But the drama teacher at our school is a (insert your own really bad name here). She is one of the people who need to stick their head in a toilet and leave it there. I really don't like the way she treats the students. She is always yelling and insulting people.

4. I have been some what P.O. lately with certian people. So if you get the butt of it I'm sorry. Unless your a certian twin who is pissing me off.

thats all. thanks for listening, or reading this.

Friday, October 3, 2008


A few sayings that I made up. Some of them are kinda lame.

1 "When all else fails, blame Toby" **J K**
2 "Warnings come once, then you get the wrath of my flying monkeys. WAHAHAH"
4 "If you want quite, go to a nursing home. My room was made for loud music"
5 "If you get between me and my chocolate doughnut you might not come out alive"(this is actually a Mona-ism. She said this to a nutrition specialist at a hospital. Don't underestimate her love for chocolate doughnuts.)
6 "Do you need a new brain? That one is is getting kinda of rusty"
7 " **hem** sorry to interrupt this heart fest but NO ONE CARES"
8 " Who died and made me Miss Sympathy?"
9 "Life without sarcasm is like a tuna and spinach casserole without salt"
10 " I bet you think 2+2 = you, too."
11 "If your going to talk about me, at least get more than FOUR FEET AWAY FORM ME!!"
12 "You know what would be great? If you went stuck your head in the toilet and left it there."
13 "It's bad enough you only have half a brain cell, but do you have to act like the Queen of the world, too?"
14 "Call me when you find the other half of your brain. I would love to meet it."
15 "When did you become Queen of the world? I don't think i got the announcement"
17 "now I know where all the vanity went"
18 "Life is a one time thing, so go get one"
19 "Last time I checked, you weren't the only person on earth. SO SHUT THE HECK UP ALREADY!!!!!!"
20 "...................."
21 "I have a voice that will not be quited. So go shove the 'children should be seen and not herd' theory up your butt. I'm not a trophy for a reason"
22 "I'm not scared of robbers. Let them take what they want, it'll come back to them later in life. But if anyone wakes me up at 2am they better be ready for some skull crushing"
23 "Common sense is becoming a rarity in your case."
24 "I love cats as much as the next person...... if the next person also hates cats"
25 "Every tunnel has to end, and every starless night has a dawn so just keep fighting till you get there."
26 "The screams of a broken heart will eventually die. so don't die hearing those screams"
27 "If every door closes, and a window doesn't show, don't wait for them to be opened for you. Go open them yourself. This is the 21 century, we've been opening doors for centuries. GET WITH THE PROGRAM PEOPLE!!!!!"

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Things that annoy the crap out of me

Hey everyone, sorry i haven't written anything for a while, too much homework.

So anyway I have been super annoyed with people this week. So being the nice person that I am (which, by the way, is starting to get old. I'm about to start throwing things at people soon) I'm going to write a list of things that annoy me instead of accidentally on purpose kick a soccer ball at their head.

1.When people who have no right to boss me around but they do anyway.

2. When people are so self absorbed that they think the reason their boyfriends don't come to school is because they're pissed because their phone was taken away and they can't text the girlfriend.(yes, a girl in my gym class actually said that)

3 When girls get mad at one grandma because she only gave her 50 dollars instead of the 100 dollars that her other grandma gave her. (same girl)

4. When people say children should be seen not herd. That is a total violation of our rights as Americans. But my sisters and I found away of making adults wish they never said that. If you can't be herd, be seen. Dance in the middle of a restaurant when they say that. Make faces. do whatever, but don't talk or laugh. We did that in the middle of the country club and my dad never said it again.

5. When teacher constantly yell at kids when they do nothing wrong. One time during drama, we were playing a really stupid inprov game and my twin and another girl went first. My twin couldn't think of the words fast enough so the drama teacher yelled at her. Not just once or twice either it was constantly yelling. Me and My twin don't cry much, but Mrs. Drama Teacher yelled at her so much that she stated crying after she sat down. She didn't sob, but she did tear up. Lizzie has a very fragile self-confidence, it took a lot of courage to step up on the stage first, and Mrs.DT just drove a semi over her self-confidence. If I was a drama teacher, I would not yell but help people without raising my voice. I think yelling should only be used for discipline. That was just flat out heartless. If she ever does anything like that again I'm going to yell at her. I don't care if i get ISI or the worse part in the play. She shouldn't be aloud to do that.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Another Abby Charr story

So, today in gym class we were spilt into two teams to play kick ball. I was on team one so i went to ask Kati if she was on team one as well. Abby Charr was standing next to Kati and she was all like "oh, your on team 1. Oh" in a sad way and she looked at the ground then she gave me one of those super fake smiles. (which really makes her look bad because she has an adnormally small head) I was about to give her so smack but then a girl asked if i wanted to swich teams and i did because one of my best friends in gym was on that team. And because both of us lack atheltic talent and competitivity we stood in the back bad mouthing Abby and informeed other althleticly disabled girls what a jerk she was. Most of the girls agreed. The others did not know her so they did not want to trash someone they didn't know.
Abby has also made it a point to call any girl that hangs out with me a prostitute, slut or any other undeserved names. I NEVER DID ANYTHING TO HER!!!! NEITHER DID ANY OF MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She also sperds rumors about me. One of my friends who had math class with abby (i pity her [my friend not abby]) reported the rumors to me and some of them made me cry. (P.S. I don't cry all that often hte only reason I have cried more than 10 times these last 12 months is because 3 inportant someones died and well, the jerks). I don't know why she does this to me when all I did was eat some stinkin' tater tots.
Boy, if i knew that a serving of tater tots would cause me so much trouble I would of smashed them in her face.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Things I Love

1. God cause he made ice cream
2. My friends (you guys ROCK) shout out to my best Friend, **you make me happy**
3. cell phones (TEXTING!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!)
4. Anything my Meg Cabot (Her books are amazing, I can't get enough)
5. The twilight series(it's turning into a movie EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
6. Prince Caspin (in the moral words of lizzie 'you could be blind and fall in love with him' and the movie rocks)
7. Ever After (Drew Berrymore mixed with Cinderella. It doesn't get much better than this)
8. Disney World (um.....DUH!!!!)
9.Anna Rodney(yeah i know your going WHAT!?!?!?!?!??!?!. but your supposed to love your enemies.)
10. Abby charr (ditto)
11. trees (their pretty)
12. waterfalls (ditto) (the non-stupid kind)
14 movies (no blood and gore or rated r stuff and no stupid stuff.)
15. My bed (it's cozey in there)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Trip to the Doctor's office

Okay so I went to the docter right,and she had me do some pretty strange things. First, He made me gag on a stick. when i asked why she told me it was to make sure i didn't have strep or something. Yeah right. I bet she was laughing on the inside as she shoved a popsicle stick down my throt and watched me gag. Then she had me sit on a table. I don't know about you but i was always told not to sit on tables. But i did it any way because this woman was ovobiously a few snowflakes short of a blizzerd (if you know what I mean) and my mom told me to. Then she assulted my knee with a hammer. Okay a small-ish hammer, but still. And my mom just sat there reading a magizine as if this were normal or something. Then the docter shoved a cone shaped hammer into my ear. WHAT'S WITH THIS CHICK AND HAMMERS. and looked really closely at it. What a werido. then she put this like cloth hand-cuff thing on me and then started squeezing this werid red ball-y thingie. the cuff got tighter and tighter untill it really hurt. And her excuse was that she was checking my blood persure. How does hand cuffing me help check my blood persure!!!! then she told me I was healthey and told me that I could leave the torture room. I think that the docter did all that stuff to eventually take over the world. Why me? you might ask. Because I have super powers that I have yet to discover and the doctor disabled them. I told my mother that the docter needed to go back to medical school or the mentel instute. My mom looked at me funny and told me that the docter did everything right.

Hmmmm......So she's with her too.....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Adventures of Horse Girl: Episode 2

Galloping at the speed of light, neigh-ing far and wide, freaking out people far and wide, Raised by wild horses. Everyone's favorite super Zero, Horse Girl.Okay this is about the same girl in the adventures of horse girl: episode 1. If you haven't read it yet, get on the move on people. This is clearly labled Episode 2. I can't waste all my blogging time or space filling you in. so move those mouses to the first episode and THEN you may read this on. And move Move, Move we got a agenda to keep up with. jeezFor all those people with more than half a brain cell. here's some more on the super zero. So as I said before Heather (aka horse girl) was in my gym class. Along with my friends; kathey, toby, kristen and hannah (not the alfreda Q. muffin hannah but a differnt one) and olivia. like I said before, olivia went to school with heather up until 4th grade. One day Heather was absent. So with out our usaul live entertainment, olivia shared some memories with us.So anyway olivia and heather were in third grade. Ahh, third grade, the start of olderhood no longer primary and when you should stop telling people you were raised by wild horses. Well, not for Heather, she would not let olivia forget that so called fact. (just a little fact, Olivia is not a freak, well at least not in that way. olivia is just to nice to tell Heather to bug off. luckley or last years gym class and this blog would not be half as funny). So anyway olivia got so annoyed with her saying that all the time that she when up to Heather and told heather that she was raised by wild wolves. Heather said that they must be cousins. Then for the rest of the school year she told everyone that she and olivia were cousins.
Once, olivia's parents made her go to heathers brithday party. A sleep over to be exact. Olivia, Heather and heather's two cousins were the only people there although Heather invited every girl in their class. Anyway, Heather had a completely horsified room. The bed had carvings of horses, there was horse wallpaper a million stuffed horses and a rocking horse. Heather's two cousins were just as werid as heather. At on part of the night (after heather told them every stuffed horses name and they had "hay"(cheese) pizza), Heather and her cousins were pretending they were horses and were galloping around the horse room when heather's mom (who olivia said did not l ook a day over 94) told them to take their pills. After that it was a blur of neighs and whinnies.


Monday, September 8, 2008


I'm not sure if I spelled that right because I suck at spelling and all. but. Anyway, Today in my drama class we were doing turst exersises. Which I really suck at because (1) in my book, everyone is unturstworthy untill they prove themselves otherwise and sometimes there after. (2) I am some what closterphobic. I hate being in school all day where your packed into little rooms with 20-28 other people inside and most classrooms don't have windows, which is worse because then I can't even imangine being outside. so by the end of the day my hand is shaking like crazy. But anyway, we were doing turst exercises in drama and one of those exercises' was wind in the willow. Wind in the willow is where you have somewhat large group (6-8) of people. All but one of the peole make a circle by standing shoulder to shoulder (this is a bad thing for me because[1] I hate being touched [2] I was standing next to one of the grossest kids in school. and [3] the whole closterphobic thing) Then the One person will stand in the middle of the circle. The person in the middle must sway around in the circle with their feet planted on the ground. Because o fmy zero trust thing nad the closterphobic thing this was a living nightmare.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Flat out Wrong

Okay being mean to people is wrong, right? But going completely out of your way to call someone a name is just plain stupid. I mean calling someone a name after they do something when their sitting near you is one thing. But getting up (1), walking across the gym (2), Disturbing a conversation that had nothing to do with you (3), and then calling a innocent person a name in front of all their friends is really just heartless. (jeez I don't even like think about that much effort even if it's for a good reason. Jk) I mean seriousley, you could accomplish so much good in that time. Okay not really because (1) if a person does do stuff like that then I doubt they can do much good anyway and (2) there's really not much you can do in 7 minutes but you get the point. If people put as much energy into being good as the do into being mean the world would be a much better place. If their were no more Anna Rodneys or Abby Charr and the Tater Tots stories to be told, I would be a very happy person. (and when I say no more Abby Charr and the Tater tots stories, I don't mean no more tater tots, I mean less Abby Charrs. What kind of sick twisted person would want a world without Tater Tots???!!!)
Just a thought to leave you with. (the being mean one not the tater tot one, the tater tot one will give you nightmares)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Adventures of Horse Girl: Episode 1

So last year in gym there was a really werid girl in my gym class and I don't usally call people names mainly because I don't want sink to Anna or Abby's level, But this girl is a serious freak. Kathy, Kristen, Hannah, Olivia and Toby were also in my gym class and all know the weridness of Heather. Olivia had gone to school with Heather untill she left in fifth grade.(we all decided that she must have gone to a mental instiutute for a while) and had background info. Heather told us on countless occasions that she was raised by wild horses and had two kids. One was 9 and the other was 12 (keep in mind she was only about 13). When we had to run around the gym, Heather would gallop and, I know it's mean and stuff but every time we saw her we would neigh like a horse.One time we were playing Hoops in gym. It's a really lame game where you shoot a basket and then hand the ball to the next person in line. Well, heather was on me and Kathy's team. Heather instited she go first, when we told her Anthony was going first, she had a temper tanturm. So our gym teacher told us to let her go first so she would stop screaming (yes, it was that bad) So anyway, Heather missed and went to go cry in the corner about how nobody loves her. But then The gym teacher said that if she didn't play the game she would have a time out (yes, a time out) so Heather got up took the ball away from Kathey and thru the ball in the same general direction as the basket. Being that I was the next person in the line and I was to lazy to get the ball, I told Heather she had to get the ball."Don't tell me to fetch! Im not dog!"Heather yelled"I didn't tell you to fetch, I told you to get the ball"I answered"Same thing""whatever, Heather"So after that Kathey and some others barked and neighed when we saw her.There are a million stories I could write about Heather but I will entertain you some other time with more Adventures of Horse Girl

Abby Charr and the Tater Tots

Okay another jerk story. So I was sitting at a new table because I was wanted to mix things up a little so insted of sitting with Becca and Leah and bunch of my other friends, I went to sit with my other friends Hannah and Erica and a few people I didn't know. That's when I meet Abby. At first, I thought she was nice. I said hi to her and everyone else. One time Tami asked if anyone wanted her tater tots. My tater tots had been cold and burnt and hers were some what perfect. So I asked for them. I didn't know that it was a unwritten rule of the Square Table (haha get you know king Aurther.... Never mind) that Abby always got the extra sides. Abby started giving me nasty looks when I sat down. A few weeks later my Dad announced that our oldest dog, who was older than me, had to be put down. The day that my dog was going to be put down I sat down at the table when Abby came up to me. I didn't hear the first part of what she said because the caf was loud and she was turn a little in the other direction( and well, Because I don't usaully pay attention to what she says because usually deals with how her parents won't buy her some designer thing or another) .and she would only tke quick glances ant me(which means she has a inkling of shame, Unlike Anna Rodeny). Then she looked me in the eye and said that "they" didn't want me sitting there. (Erica later told me that everyone else liked me and abby was the only being Abby) So I said okay (unlike the annoying seveby) and moved back to my other table feeling worse than I did before. (and that was pretty bad) My whole table agreed not to ever talk about abby in a good way at that table again. My older sister saw what happened and went to chew Abby out. Although I told her not to because I could handle my own problems. I cried that night because I will never cry in public unless someone I turely cared about died. But anyway, since then Abby has been telling people I'm a slut and I'm a jerk and I'm stupid (which is soo not true because I have a 4.0 GPA and higher grades than her) the rest of the year. I wouldn't tell any teacher about it because of what happened. So I just grinned and bared it when she called me names to my face (which I told no one about because then it would seem like I'm begging for attention) all because I ate some Tater tots. Jeezum

An Annoying Seventh Grader

Okay to most peole this is going to seem a little mean, but this chick annoys the livin' crap out of me. (most of this is true, the really snotty things are not)Let me tell u a story of an annoying seveby. ....When lunch came around(which is after my frist 3 motified classes and a help study room) I sat with Rachel Tami, Aubree, Hannah, Becca, Lara, Leah and a bunch of other eigth graders I sort of know (I'm too good to sit with normal seventh graders). I started to eat without taking my retainer out as always, and added to the collection of other food that was stuck in my braces that I never brush. I spilled kethup on my sweatshrit, I whipped it off with a tater tot. After I finished my food, I started to take stuff from the people sitting near me. I thought this was halarious, but the others gave me drity looks, they don't have a senseof humor. oh well, I'll teach them to have one. The bell rang so I progressed to more of my motified classes.....The next day I sat at the table we sat at yesterday. but no one was there. I guessed they were all in line. About half way into lunch, no one showed up. I looked around the caf and they were sitting at a differnt table. I went to join them and reminded them to tell me next time they switched tables. A few girls rolled their eyes, I guess they don't like responisability..... the next day after I sat down at our new table, Hannah, Tami, Leah and some other girls told me total bogus excuse that I need to eat with some other seventh graders "who are you going to sit with when we leave,Cassie" I know there just jellous because I'm so perfect, how can they not love me.So I told the principal. She talked to them. Most of the girls are giving me nasty glares,oh well, They need to learn how to deal with jelously...** I know that's mean and stuff but She can't take a clue and she's relly annoying. You don't have to deal with her.

Friday, September 5, 2008

A Freaky perve

Okay so me, and my friends Tami, Lara and Rachel were walking home from school one day and we see our friend Toby and two other guys up ahead. So we went to go walk with them. One of the boys left to walk down a different street. So the other guy, Landon starts going all sexual harassment on us (us being me, Rachel, Lara and Tami. Toby is a guy (well, duh) and therefore not being sexually harassed. Although was pretty sure Landon's gay) by saying stuff like "want to suck my dink" and "who's coming to my house tonight" by which we replied politely with puke faces and gagging sounds and comments on how we had already been to a circus this year and no great want to go to another one. Then he asked which one of us wanted to 'hook up' with him by a fence that, by the way, was surrounding my old elementary school were my two little sisters are currently attending. Me and Lara eewwed out. Tami called him a sexist pig and Rachel advised him not to flatter himself. Then his Mother or aunt called him and he ran off, which I thought was halarious. I think his theme song should be "Does your mother know" from Mama Mia because he's kind of like Pepper. Toby talked to Landon about it because Toby is like my brother (we even look alike) and we now have a very complicated plan Called hit and hit. If he hits on us then we literally hit him. /we'll see if it works.


Okay, so heres the deal. Their is like a lot of people who either annoy the freaking crap out of me or are just flat out mean. And there are a few perves, too. I am not hte kind of person who goes up and telles them i think their crap. so I will be writting about them to blow some steam. All of the things I write about people is the cold hard truth. (unless I tell you other wise) i will also being writting about my freinds and funny events that happen to me. I will also be posting my beliefs here, too. so sit back and enjoy.

Anna Rodney

Yes, hear the name and termble folks. Okay not really because that's not her real name because even though I think she deserves to be stocked and stuff, unlike her, I'm not that kind of person. So anyway, Anna and I have been going to school together since, like, kindergarten. She has made my life miserable since then. On the first day of kindergarten she called me a mean word( the actual name she called me is not clarified because i can't remeber it but I do remeber crying about it for hours after school because even then I didn't like to cry in puplic) before I even had had a chance to say hi. And since then she has made me feel like a freak just because I was taller than everyone eles. If you made a joke she did not entirely agree on she would call you a freak and tell you that you laugh werid and should not do so in public (IN THRID GRADE!!!!) When we went to a picnic in the park for a fifth grade feild trip. I was playing frisbe with my best friend when Anna came up to me told me I was a cow. I was about to make a remark on how much of a brat she was when the teacher called us in. what kind of person dose that kind of thing. I don't care what's going on at her house people should have the common decencey to keep unconstuctive coments to themself. And when I told my teacher about it in he took us both in to the hallway and had us talk about it. Anna acted all perfect and stuff and I don't know how but she got him think that it was my fault that she called me a cow. I got in trouble by telling the teacher. He said that I wasted class time (although it was the second to the last day of school and we were doing nothing but talking) and that perfect little anna would never do anything like that with out a reason to. Then he put my name on the board(which is a bad thing in that class) and most of the class was angery at me because no one had gotten their name on the board for a week and we were suppossed to get a prize that afternoon and I had ruined it for them because I told on a person how was making my life and many others miserable. This is why I never tell adults anything and deal with my own problems which makes my mom think I bottle things up and I have anger mangement issues. Which I don't because I have put up with crap like this for years and from many differnt people.And I only deal with about a forth of it. I don't suggest being freinds with her unless you have a perfect body, you're insanley pretty and have no werid quorks, no matter how small, because she will find it and blow it out and tease you of it for the rest of your life. I've seen her do it to me my friends and people I have no clue who they are so watch out for the AR.