A list of my freakish obsessions
10.video games (yes, i know im a freak but you know what? I REALLY DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!)
9.falling (this is an inforced obsessions, Ido not like falling i just do it a lot)
8. the super awsome pink pony club (inside joke)
7. Meg cabot books (they are some of the best books in the world)
6. broadway style plays (they rock and sould be highier up on this list [or lower im not sure])
5. texting (it is the coolest form of communication, besides IM which i cant do [sad day])
4. Twilight (books and movie.)
2. waterfalls and forests (I only like them because 1) they're pretty 2) there are very few around here)
1. any disney animated movie (THEY FREAKING ROCK YOUR SOX OFF AND I DON"T CARE WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Randomness thoughts
1. What is with me and not wrighting a short artical? I think i have a problem.
2. my head still hurts from my graceful backwards swan dive off the stairs friday.
3.My grandparents' 50th anniversery is tomorrow.
4. MY TWO YEAR OLD COUSIN IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. I love diseny movies (Ijust watched cars)
6. I spent 3 hours at the mall today with my non-sister shopping for my other non-sister
7. I think fridays are my unlucky days. Not just friday that fall on the 13th either. One of my friends died on a friday, my dog died on a friday, i got a concussion on a friday, so you can see my reasoning.
8. I CAN'T WAIT TILL CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9.CHEESEY CHRISTMAS MOVES ROCK HARD MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10. I love all you guys peace out.
nothing in particular
14 years ago
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