Friday, September 5, 2008

Anna Rodney

Yes, hear the name and termble folks. Okay not really because that's not her real name because even though I think she deserves to be stocked and stuff, unlike her, I'm not that kind of person. So anyway, Anna and I have been going to school together since, like, kindergarten. She has made my life miserable since then. On the first day of kindergarten she called me a mean word( the actual name she called me is not clarified because i can't remeber it but I do remeber crying about it for hours after school because even then I didn't like to cry in puplic) before I even had had a chance to say hi. And since then she has made me feel like a freak just because I was taller than everyone eles. If you made a joke she did not entirely agree on she would call you a freak and tell you that you laugh werid and should not do so in public (IN THRID GRADE!!!!) When we went to a picnic in the park for a fifth grade feild trip. I was playing frisbe with my best friend when Anna came up to me told me I was a cow. I was about to make a remark on how much of a brat she was when the teacher called us in. what kind of person dose that kind of thing. I don't care what's going on at her house people should have the common decencey to keep unconstuctive coments to themself. And when I told my teacher about it in he took us both in to the hallway and had us talk about it. Anna acted all perfect and stuff and I don't know how but she got him think that it was my fault that she called me a cow. I got in trouble by telling the teacher. He said that I wasted class time (although it was the second to the last day of school and we were doing nothing but talking) and that perfect little anna would never do anything like that with out a reason to. Then he put my name on the board(which is a bad thing in that class) and most of the class was angery at me because no one had gotten their name on the board for a week and we were suppossed to get a prize that afternoon and I had ruined it for them because I told on a person how was making my life and many others miserable. This is why I never tell adults anything and deal with my own problems which makes my mom think I bottle things up and I have anger mangement issues. Which I don't because I have put up with crap like this for years and from many differnt people.And I only deal with about a forth of it. I don't suggest being freinds with her unless you have a perfect body, you're insanley pretty and have no werid quorks, no matter how small, because she will find it and blow it out and tease you of it for the rest of your life. I've seen her do it to me my friends and people I have no clue who they are so watch out for the AR.

1 comment:

Alfrda Q. Muffin said...

hey aubree i commented sorta to this story well i posted my own story on her so ya if u want 2 read it member my blog is