Monday, December 22, 2008

My obsessions and other random things

A list of my freakish obsessions games (yes, i know im a freak but you know what? I REALLY DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!)
9.falling (this is an inforced obsessions, Ido not like falling i just do it a lot)
8. the super awsome pink pony club (inside joke)
7. Meg cabot books (they are some of the best books in the world)
6. broadway style plays (they rock and sould be highier up on this list [or lower im not sure])
5. texting (it is the coolest form of communication, besides IM which i cant do [sad day])
4. Twilight (books and movie.)
2. waterfalls and forests (I only like them because 1) they're pretty 2) there are very few around here)
1. any disney animated movie (THEY FREAKING ROCK YOUR SOX OFF AND I DON"T CARE WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Randomness thoughts

1. What is with me and not wrighting a short artical? I think i have a problem.

2. my head still hurts from my graceful backwards swan dive off the stairs friday.

3.My grandparents' 50th anniversery is tomorrow.

4. MY TWO YEAR OLD COUSIN IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5. I love diseny movies (Ijust watched cars)

6. I spent 3 hours at the mall today with my non-sister shopping for my other non-sister

7. I think fridays are my unlucky days. Not just friday that fall on the 13th either. One of my friends died on a friday, my dog died on a friday, i got a concussion on a friday, so you can see my reasoning.

8. I CAN'T WAIT TILL CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9.CHEESEY CHRISTMAS MOVES ROCK HARD MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10. I love all you guys peace out.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I'd really want to go strangle these people whos names are not metioned because even though i dont like them, I don't want stalkers in my town.

Yes i know that is an extremley long title and all but i really don't care so nither should u. Any way there are quite alot of people i don't like and the moment.
1. My science partner. She hardly ever at school (the longest time she's been to school in a row is 4 days, no joke) then when she comes back from being "sick" she expects me to give her all answers to the homework from the night before. Even whe she is at school she dosen't do any thing. So anyway we are starting a new project in science which will be ouir mid-trem grade. We have the choice of working alone so i told SP that i would like to work alone on this project. She started going all "why won't you work with me" and it totally reminded me of the dad in My big fat greek Wedding when he says "why do you want to leave me?". So i reminded her of the last project we did together and how she was supposed to do ONE VERY SIMPLE THING and she didn't do it and how i couldn't trust her enough to work with her. so since then she has been glaring at me.
2. My english partner cheated off me today. AAAAARRRRGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!! I already hate that _______ (insert your own mean word that your mother shouldn't approve of here) because she thinks she the queen of the world and all that crap. She missed the first half of class because she was in court for either getting drunk or high at a party. I know this because one of her friends who sits behind me in english told his friend that 'she got all 'wooh' at a party" so im not sure if that means drunk or high, but whatever, I still hate her.
3. Mood-swing-drama-queen-wannabe the lair (becca) is being just that. She keeps making up these boyfriends and she keeps saying stuff like 'im going to get highlights' or 'Im going to ______ (insert your own far away place here) next week" then coming in the next week and saying her mom canceled the trip. IT MAKES ME SO MAD!!!!! She also has these mood swings. Like in drama today she was laughing hard enough to cause a mini earthquake then crying the next. SHE WENT THROUGH THAT CYCLE 9 TIMES IN LESS THEN 7 MINUTES!!! she is so ovweer dramatic.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Here is a widely known fact SOME PEOPLE ARE COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY STUPID!!!!!!! Most teenage boys fall under this fact. Let me just give you some examples.

1. On the last day of school last year, I was walking down the main hallway when someone (a teenage boy to be exact) threw a stuffed animal at my head. You would think that wouldn't hurt, but it did. So i picked up the stuffed animal and threw it into the girls' bathroom trash can.

2. I walking down the main hallway (once again) and some dude put his friend into a head lock and then rammed his head into my arm. I STILL HAVE A BRUISE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know why people think it's okay to use other people for their personal entertainment IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!!!!!!!I think they're just plain @##$%&^!!!!!!!!!!!

3. I was in third grade when this happened. Me and Lizzie where riding our bikes home from Pinkfrog's house. So we were minding our own business when a group of about 7 boys (of the immature teenage variety) started yelling at us. Then one of the dudes got on a bike and and put on a mask and chased us. I jumped off my bike and graped a rock of someones lawn and threw it at him. It hit his stomach and he fell off his bike. When i got on my bike again, We rode all the way up our three steep hills. I yelled at the the boys who were still following us that my mom was a cop (that was a lie) and that my dad was one of the top lawyers in the state (which is still true) and that we would sue them for harassment of minors (I knew some pretty big words when i was in third grade.) That sent those a**holes running. I don't know who could be heartless enough to torture 3RD GRADERS like that. if i saw anyone do that to a kid, I would shoot them. (in the leg, not the head. I am not a murderer) When we got home, we told our mom what had happened, she called the cops and our neighbor Paul (who is about the scariest looking dude in the entire west half of the city). But we never did see those a-words again so we couldn't sue them for all their worth (which isn't much by the way). It doesn't matter anyway because those boys are all most likely proudly serving our great country at McDonald's everywhere.

4. The most recent occurring of teenage boy stupidity. One dude from our school went into the main hall fish tank, killed all the fish (all the fish were expensive) and then broke the tank. The water from the tank spill under the electrical room door and into the generator. Half the lights in the school went out. Okay, so they haven't found out who did it so it isn't certain a teenage boy did it but teachers and staff wouldn't do it. I will bet 4 dollars (it's all i have at the moment) that it was boy between the ages of 12-16 who did it. I know there only fish but it just one step closer to terrorism. Just think about it. Killing innocent being for the fun of it. WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO BE SO EVIL??!??!??!?! I WANT TO SLICE THEIR HEADS RIGHT OFF THEIR NECKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!