Friday, September 5, 2008

A Freaky perve

Okay so me, and my friends Tami, Lara and Rachel were walking home from school one day and we see our friend Toby and two other guys up ahead. So we went to go walk with them. One of the boys left to walk down a different street. So the other guy, Landon starts going all sexual harassment on us (us being me, Rachel, Lara and Tami. Toby is a guy (well, duh) and therefore not being sexually harassed. Although was pretty sure Landon's gay) by saying stuff like "want to suck my dink" and "who's coming to my house tonight" by which we replied politely with puke faces and gagging sounds and comments on how we had already been to a circus this year and no great want to go to another one. Then he asked which one of us wanted to 'hook up' with him by a fence that, by the way, was surrounding my old elementary school were my two little sisters are currently attending. Me and Lara eewwed out. Tami called him a sexist pig and Rachel advised him not to flatter himself. Then his Mother or aunt called him and he ran off, which I thought was halarious. I think his theme song should be "Does your mother know" from Mama Mia because he's kind of like Pepper. Toby talked to Landon about it because Toby is like my brother (we even look alike) and we now have a very complicated plan Called hit and hit. If he hits on us then we literally hit him. /we'll see if it works.


Bob said...

lol i agree but he asked u that not me

Aubree said...

well duh toby

Bob said...

lol he might hit back i just thought of that.

Aubree said...

Oh ur right But its a four aganist 1 thing so we will win WAHHHAAA!!!!

~Bugg~ said... i know him? Does he live in our neighborhood?

Aubree said...

I don't know but he goes to the same school as us and his brother or his cusin goes to school with our little sibs. And his name is changed.

~Bugg~ said...

well i figured as much...yeah