I'm not sure if I spelled that right because I suck at spelling and all. but. Anyway, Today in my drama class we were doing turst exersises. Which I really suck at because (1) in my book, everyone is unturstworthy untill they prove themselves otherwise and sometimes there after. (2) I am some what closterphobic. I hate being in school all day where your packed into little rooms with 20-28 other people inside and most classrooms don't have windows, which is worse because then I can't even imangine being outside. so by the end of the day my hand is shaking like crazy. But anyway, we were doing turst exercises in drama and one of those exercises' was wind in the willow. Wind in the willow is where you have somewhat large group (6-8) of people. All but one of the peole make a circle by standing shoulder to shoulder (this is a bad thing for me because[1] I hate being touched [2] I was standing next to one of the grossest kids in school. and [3] the whole closterphobic thing) Then the One person will stand in the middle of the circle. The person in the middle must sway around in the circle with their feet planted on the ground. Because o fmy zero trust thing nad the closterphobic thing this was a living nightmare.
1 comment:
Awww i'm sorry they made you do that :(
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