Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Random stuff

Okay here is a bunch of really random stuff.

So there is this girl in my gym class, she is lots of fun and stuff and we also joke that she huffs pixie-sticks (long story). But anyway she is always singing this weird song called the no-no square. It go like this: "Stop! don't touch me there. This is my no-no square.(this is where she makes a square from the base of her neck to mid-thigh) (I forgot the words to this part of the song) No means No!" Then all of the people in our gym class will clap and say 'great abstinence, Kati' We have a lot of fun in gym when we don't have to run.

So me and Lizzie's youth group went to the corn maze on Saturday. One of our friends from church who we have known literally all our lives, went too. She knew that two of her friends wanted to go, so she invited them so they could hang out and she could hang out with us. So she told our youth leader that they were coming too on Sunday before so that she (our youth leader) could arrange seating. We were low on transportation and she needed to know who was coming before hand. So anyway we arrive at the church and we found our friend standing with three girls. I knew that she had invited two of them, but I knew that the other girl was one of our friend's least favorite people in the world and that she didn't even go to our church. Our friend pulled us aside and told us that one of the people she invited had invited the other girl without telling anyone, but she wasn't sure which of the invited girls invited the un-invited girl. So anyway, everyone got there okay because there were two seats left. So we drove down to the corn maze which was about 45 minutes away. I don't know if you know this, but I have a touch of unofficial case of ADD. So 45 minutes in a car is long for me. Lizzie was sitting shotgun, I was sitting behind the driver, our friend was sitting across from me, and the three other girls were sitting in the back row. They kept poking us and taking my hat and other annoying things the whole way down. I had to resist the urge to turn around and call them a bad word. Anyway we got to the corn maze, the three girls wanted to race in the maze.We said that it would be funner to do the maze last when it's dark and creepy. but they were already heading into the harder maze. So we took the easy maze, thus (he he cool word) we ended far sooner then they did. So after waiting ten minutes we called them and the said the just did the half a way question. And because we did not want to wait another 30 minutes for them, we went to do other stuff. We met up with them again when they ended the maze and went to have dinner, which was hot dogs roasted over a fire. I took us much longer to roast our, so they left. We didn't mind, we just went and did the long maze because it was dark and creepy. Then we did all the other stuff we wanted to do. and when it was time for us to go, we climbed into the car. The other three said we were ditchers, but soon forgot about it and started poking me and taking our stuff. (ooh my favorite song is on. This is the anthem, throw your hands up. Yell if your feel me, sing if your with me You, don't wanna be you. sorry I'm a spaz.) So anyway, We are all very pissed with them. Just a tip, don't EVER bring an un-invited guest to a party that is hosted by Miss Manners, she'll faint. It is very un polite to bring someone to a party or an event who was not invited. If any of you do that to me I will kick you out of my house. I can't stand it.


That Art Kid Micah said...

lolz i love the song!! although i would like to know the rest of it!

LUCKY!! I want to go to a corn maze!! Annoying people are EVIL!

~Bugg~ said...

i went to a corn maze on friday but for dinner we had (ewwy, snack-like food) doritos with meat and cheese in the bag all mushed together. it wasn't very filling :(