Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bad weekend

So i went to this Dare 2 share conference in Big-City-Close-by. D2S (Dare 2 share) is this uber cool teen conference that travels around the U.S. and Canada that helps teens share their faith with their friends and strangers. The people who were talking were absolutely awesome and hilarious, but the rest of the deal was almost not worth it. So lets start at the beginning.
Me, Lizzie and our friend, Lindi, got out school early to go our church, because that's where we were meeting to get on the bus and drive 2 hours to D2S. Not only was our youth group going, but five other groups were coming too. So our youth leader asked for the number of kids they all would be bringing, so that she could get transportation. Well, either the youth leaders didn't care to count properly or the kids invited some people and didn't tell anyone, we ended up 9 people with out seats. And the bottom of the bus was completely full, so we called the other bus that had our friend church in it, to see if they could meet us some where so that the extra kids would have some where to sit. They had 5 extra seats. So my older sister called my dad to bring our Army Tank (our super old suburban) so that she, two adults and some other kids could ride in it. Me, Lizzie and Lindi didn't want to sit with people we didn't know, so we set some sleeping bags on the floor in front of the seat and some one would lay on them. It worked out fine, but our two youth leaders had to stand. We were supposed to leave at 3:00, but we left a 5.
This has nothing to do with this but you'll need to know this later but there was this one girl from our church who brought a stuffed lion. We were teasing her (in good nature) about, so she goes on about how important the lion was to her emotionally and that if anyone took it she would cry. older sister said she would of brought her pooky bear, but it wouldn't fit in her bag.
Anyway so we are o the bus, right? the kids who were siting around us were being big A words. I wanted to beat everyone of them into a bloody pulp, except for 2 people. I would of too, but i was afraid that i would get herpes. They were from the other side of town (the south side), and (not to be judgement of where people live) they were acting like stereotyping rich kids would expect them to act. They were even planning where they were going to make there drug exchange.

So after the LONG bus ride, we went to the first section of the d2s thing. Then we went back on to the bus and headed to the church we were going to sleep in. the three of us slept in room with eight other girls. It was torture. We got to the church about midnight. The leaders gave us a snack and we were then supposed to go to bed. I was uber tired and I knew we had to wake up at 6:00am the next day so i told them in a nice way (because although i felt like yelling at them in a not so nice way.)to be quite and go to sleep so that i didn't kill them in the morning, because I'm very concerned about people's well being. But Noooo, they had to play their guitar and they had to sing and they had to go around yelling. So it wasn't till 2 that I got any sleep.
The next day, after all our d2s stuff, we were supposed to go collect cans for the _____ rescue mission. So d2s gave us a neighborhood to go door to door asking for canned food. So in our first section, we went to 27 houses and three answered and we got 5 cans. We asked one of the donors if we could pray for her, she gave us the "I-hate-Christians" look and told us she got it covered and slammed the door in our face. I can't stand how some one could hate us so much with out ever knowing me. It almost made me cry. We were doing a good thing for the city and if we were non-belivers, she would have never been so rude. I absolutely hate people like that.
We did our next set of house and they were a lot nicer. Every door we came to we got food and lots of it. When we asked if we could pray for them, the people were all like "of course you can." we filled 9 bags there. Then we went to dinner and then we went back to the last bit of d2s.

On the way back, they kids aroung us wee more annoying then ever. I was half asleep, so I don't know what the previous conversation was, but one the kids said to my sister's face" You're not pretty." I was about to jump up and start yelling at them because the whole D2S was about was to ignor satians lies and be supportive of other people, and there he is doing that to my sister. I would of punched him, but sleep over took me right then. I'm still overly mad! Even the little of the conversation I can rember, lizzie said nothing mean to any of them, Then one of the kids took Ari's lion and started to throw it across the bus and calling her a little whiner ______ (insert A word here) and wouldn't give it back until our youth leader took the lion and told him that if did anything like that again he would have to get off the bus no matter where they were, because this wasn't the first time he didsome thing like that. THIS WAS A CHURCH THING FOR CRYING OOT LOUD!!! CAN'T PEOPLE ACT LIKE DECENT HUMAN BENGS FOR A WEEKEND???!!!!!!!?!??!?!?! I MAKES ME SO MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any ways, we got to our church and we went home and sleept.

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