Wednesday, January 21, 2009

More and more randomness (What makes me mad)

I realize that i am a very random person. So instead of complaining about it you can read this.

What makes me mad

1. You all know about the Brianna drama, so i don't need to fill you in. But they way Brianna treated my sister, I still want to slap her every time i see her.

2. People seem to have a hard time realizing that TALL PEOPLE HAVE FEELINGS TOO!!!!!!!!!!! Did people learn nothing from Horton hears a who? "a person's a person, no matter how small." the same thing applies to tall people too, you know.

3. The lack of common courtesy at our school. Today when we (we being pink frog and me) were at lunch, four short little popular kids cut us off. I don't really care if i get my food five minutes later than planned, but i hate it when people don't treat other people like people. I know not everyone was raised in a manner oriented family like me, but there are plenty of role models to learn from.
1. Miss. Manners (she, like, wrote the book on manners)
2. Horton from Horton hears a who (he treated other people like people even though it almost killed him. And now the jungle of Nool is a much happier place than it was before.)
3. pooh bear (um..hello.... it's POOH BEAR!!!! What more explaination do you need?!?!?!?!?!)
4. Veggie Tales (have you herd their songs? .....because a thankfull heart is a happy heart....)
5. The kid in my history class (he opens the door and holds it for everyone. That is common curtisey)
I do not see why people cannot act like decent human beings, it is not all that hard.

4. This girl in my english, drama and choir class named haily who thinks that she is better than everyone and points out every wrong thing i do. So i started listing her wrongs here are a few.
1. she is bit on the slutsey side
2. Not one of her sentances are ever complete without a cuss word.
3. she calls me a overly rich prep whos had a perfect life. I am not rich, she has more money in her bank account than i do. I am also not a prep, I am just me. I have also had more deathes and other deppersion causing moments in one year than she's had in all her life. I just let my anger and deppersion out in a more positive outlet than cutting myself.

I am now too tired to write anymore. I just had a science final and i am pooped. So Peace out. I am going to bed.